
  • Five Years Later

    Sorta Insightful turns five years old today! That feels kinda weird, because it’s the longest I’ve spent sustaining one thing. Elementary school was five years, middle school was three years, high school was four years. Undergrad was four years, and I’ve since been working at Google for another four years.

    Thanks for reading. If you haven’t read my previous anniversary posts, I do a meta-post every year about blogging. This year’s meta-post is, once again, a bit rushed, because I’ve been working on another post about AI timelines, which I’m also releasing today.


    Word Count

    Last year, I wrote 21,878 words. This year, I wrote 32,161 words.

     1,751 2019-08-18-four-years.markdown  
     3,215 2019-10-30-openai-rubiks.markdown  
       709 2019-11-18-alphastar-update.markdown  
     1,187 2019-12-25-neurips-2019.markdown  
     1,819 2020-01-17-berkeley-back-pay.markdown  
     1,461 2020-01-22-mh-2020.markdown  
     7,434 2020-02-27-mh-2020-part2.markdown  
     5,281 2020-03-16-puzzlehunt-tech.markdown  
       912 2020-03-22-spring-cleaning.markdown  
     2,875 2020-04-16-contact-tracing.markdown  
     1,379 2020-05-07-rl-potpourri.markdown  
     2,080 2020-05-17-corona-chernobyl.markdown  
     2,058 2020-06-24-openai-lp.markdown  
    32,161 total  

    I’m pleasantly surprised to see it’s so much larger. I suspect it’s because of the very long posts I wrote about puzzlehunts. Due to running a hunt this year, I had spent a lot of time thinking about puzzlehunt design, which made those posts relatively easy to write.

    Traditionally, I count posts written on August 18 for the next year’s count, so the AI timelines post is not included and I’ll have a good start for next year.

    Post length is a bad measure of output, for the same reason that lines of code changed is a bad software engineering metric. As the Mark Twain quote goes, “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.” I do think it’s a reasonable measure though, as long as I stay aware of how much time I spent editing each post.

    (I just noticed I shared a Woodrow Wilson quote with the same sentiment last year. Incredible. Amazing. Next year I’ll find a new person to cite for this. I put odds on using either Blaise Pascal, or Benjamin Franklin.)

    I wrote 13 posts this year, counting the Mystery Hunt post which was split into 2 parts. This is just over my trend of 1 post per month. Again, pleasantly surprised by that. I can’t even credit the coronavirus for this. In general I have been much less productive during the pandemic, due to having my goof-off space and work space so close to one another. The Bay Area shelter in place order started March 17. It has been 5 months since that order, 5 posts were written in those five months and 8 posts were written in the seven preceding months. So it looks like my blog writing was less productive as well, but not by much.

    View Counts

    These are the view counts from August 18, 2019 to today, for the posts I’ve written this year.

      471 2019-08-18-four-years.markdown  
    1,639 2019-10-30-openai-rubiks.markdown  
      273 2019-11-18-alphastar-update.markdown  
      375 2019-12-25-neurips-2019.markdown  
      402 2020-01-17-berkeley-back-pay.markdown  
      738 2020-01-22-mh-2020.markdown  
      322 2020-02-27-mh-2020-part2.markdown  
      298 2020-03-16-puzzlehunt-tech.markdown  
      134 2020-03-22-spring-cleaning.markdown  
      207 2020-04-16-contact-tracing.markdown  
      481 2020-05-07-rl-potpourri.markdown  
      295 2020-05-17-corona-chernobyl.markdown  
      262 2020-06-24-openai-lp.markdown  

    This is a big drop in view count compared to last year, about 1/3rd the views from last year. Many of my posts were about more obscure topics, so it makes sense. I’m a bit bummed my contact tracing post got so few views though, I put a lot of work into it and felt it could have been one of my more important posts if it changed someone’s mind about contact tracing. However, the US response has been so dysfunctional that we don’t have the centralized contact tracing app I envisioned. We instead of a lot of independent efforts with low install rates, and country wide reopenings that are happening for economic reasons, even though the \(R_0\) is above 1. What a mess.

    Time Spent Writing

    Excluding time spent on this post, but including time spent on the AI timelines post, I spent 116 hours, 36 minutes writing for my blog this year. This is more than last year but less than 2 years ago. That feels about right.

    (Side note #2: On a reread of last year’s meta-post, I found that not only did I quote Woodrow Wilson / Mark Twain / whoever last year, I also made the exact same “quote attribution unclear” joke, with the exact same link! What the heck, am I really that predictable? I really should remove both this side note and the previous one, but you know what, I’m keeping it, the fact my mind is so repetitive is pretty interesting.)

    Posts in Limbo

    I still want to write a Gunnerkrigg Court post. But I want to write it in the sense that I like the idea of writing it. That isn’t the same as actually doing it.

    (Me, last year)

    I think it’s literally been four years since I talked about writing that Gunnerkrigg Court post. I’m no longer surprised I haven’t gotten around to it. Hopefully it will not be an ongoing meme.

    Just as a quick review of last year’s predicted post topics…

    Post about measurement: 20% odds of writing before end of 2019 (I didn’t), 95% odds of writing eventually.

    New odds of writing eventually: 65%. I’m starting to think that the ideas I wanted to express are already known to the people that care about it, which makes me less motivated to write this. I still believe it’s an important topic though!

    Post about Gunnerkrigg Court: 25% odds of writing before end of 2019 (I didn’t), 70% odds of writing eventually.

    New odds of writing eventually: 50%

    Post about My Little Pony: 50% odds of writing before end of 2019 (I didn’t), 85% odds of writing eventually.

    New odds of writing eventually: 90%. It’s coming I swear. I thought I would be done with My Little Pony by now, but every time I think it’s over, they pull me back in.

    Post about Dominion Online: 35% odds of writing before end of 2019 (I didn’t), 85% odds of writing eventually.

    New odds of writing eventually: 65%. The draft is untouched since last year, but I can see myself visiting it again.

    Based on me going 0 of 4 on my “write by end of 2019” predictions, you should probably downgrade all those numbers a bit. My bloging rate is fairly steady. My calibration on what I write about is awful.

    Anyways, what are you doing reading this meta-post? Go read the AI timelines post instead! Go tell me why I’m an idiot or why I’m right.

  • So Hey, That Open AI LP Thing

    I originally wrote this post March 12, 2019, the day after OpenAI announced they were creating a “capped-profit” company. I decided not to share it very widely, because it was a touchy subject, lots of people were yelling, and I did not want to get involved in the cross-fire.

    I remembered that post recently, and after a re-read I still agreed with most of what I wrote. I feel it’s worth having it public somewhere, even if no one cares about the Open AI LP debate anymore. Here’s the original post, with some editing. For context, this was written a month after GPT-2, before the Rubik’s Cube result, and before the Microsoft deal.

    * * *

    Okay, so OpenAI announced that they were legally restructuring from a nonprofit into a “capped-profit” company. I am not a lawyer, and I’m especially not a lawyer familiar with business law, but here is my understanding. OpenAI LP is a for-profit company. OpenAI Nonprofit is the nonprofit side. The OpenAI LP is managed by the nonprofit’s Board of Directors. Members of the nonprofit board are allowed to own stakes in OpenAI LP, but only a minority of the Board of Directors is allowed to do so. Investors and employees sign agreements that following OpenAI’s principles takes priority over profit. Investors are capped at receiving back 100x what they invest. This is on the order of “returns from investing early in a really good startup, but not as much as investing early in a stupidly amazing startup”.

    Company is now roughly divided as follows: the for-profit side employs the robotics, DotA 2, language, safety, and policy teams. The nonprofit side employs the educational programs and policy initiatives, although I don’t understand what “policy initiatives” means here, if the policy team is under OpenAI LP.

    Why is this happening? The given argument is that recent results suggest that new AI systems and any approaches that could lead to AGI will need lots of compute, and also need to attract lots of talent, and the investment required is going to be much larger than what is already dedicated to the company, so part of the company needs to become for-profit to attract investors to front the required funds. And if they succeed, they’ll make way more than 100x return, by orders of magnitude.

    Rather predictably, reactions have ranged from “yeah makes sense” to “wow WTF this is bullshit.” My reaction is roughly at the “ehhhhhhhhh, okay” side of things. I am a big fan of Buffy Speak, but at some point you gotta stop using Buffy Speak and gotta start explaining stuff using actual words.

    The “wow WTF this is bullshit” side seems to revolve around feelings of betrayal that OpenAI the nonprofit would turn into a for-profit company. The criticism feels like, “OpenAI was supposed to not be beholden to profit, and would stand above the incentives that for-profit companies are under. It’s good for nonprofit AI companies to exist, and now there is one fewer.” There are enough for-profit AI startups and AI consulting gigs out there. If you saw the nonprofit nature of OpenAI as a core principle of its existence, then turning into a for-profit feels disingenuous. What distinguishes OpenAI from every other AI startup trying to make a quick buck? Moreover, given one restructuring from nonprofit to capped-profit, what systems are in place to prevent further slides to for-profitness? How do we know the 100x figure won’t change to 1000x later on? Are we guaranteed that the minority of the board with stakes in the for-profit OpenAI LP will not be able to leverage their wealth to take over the board’s decision making? Culture doesn’t die overnight. It’s something that grows organically and bleeds organically. What if this is the first step towards OpenAI turning into something it shouldn’t be?

    Meanwhile, the “yeah makes sense” crowd is generally (but not entirely) a group that believes AGI should be considered a serious possibility in the near term (where serious is something like “at least 5%”), and thinks that turning into a for-profit company is a necessary evil to raise sufficient capital to make sure OpenAI has a credible chance of creating AGI and having a seat at the table of any policy decisions. Opinions on that argument are highly correlated with how much you think people should care about AI safety, and now we’re in that minefield.

    My impression is what OpenAI is doing is consistent with the belief that AGI could happen sometime in the near-term, by combining lots of compute with a few (but not a lot) of insights into learning. Under that belief, it makes sense that they need more money for new hardware and talent. It makes sense to structure things such that investors have a reason to give them money. Under that belief of plausible near-term AGI, these are all necessary things OpenAI must do to continue to have any influence over the trajectory of machine learning, and then all the other stuff with the capped profit and nonprofit board and so on are about trying to minimize risk of losing their original mission statement.

    And honestly, I don’t expect anything different from OpenAI. Look, when your company gets initial investment from Elon Musk the Futurist and Sam Altman the head of Y Combinator, and your founding statement is “ensuring AGI helps humanity”, it’s going to primarily attract people who think AGI is credible enough to merit decisive action. So talented people who believe in shorter AGI timelines move towards OpenAI. This makes it more likely OpenAI does things consistent with belief in shorter timelines, which attracts people with short AI timelines and pushes away people with longer timelines, and so the feedback loop begins. It’s not a very strong feedback loop, but it’s there. I remember talking to someone about why only OpenAI and DeepMind worked on AI safety, and what I said to them was, “it’s because, under your definition of AI safety, people at OpenAI and DeepMind care about it the most, and so they flock there. But this doesn’t imply no one else cares - it just implies they don’t care enough to drop their current work to join those safety teams.” (Editing note: not to mention that what “AI safety” means is itself a nebulous concept. For example, I consider fairness and interpretability as part of AI safety. I know people who’d disagree.)

    Based on what previous and current employees of OpenAI are tweeting about, there was a lot of internal discussion about the restructuring, but everyone who is talking about it is voicing cautious support about the arrangement. Of course, there are obvious sampling biases here.

    I can’t help but feel like the attacks on OpenAI LP are just an extension of the attacks around GPT-2, that accuse them of building hype narratives for profit. A lot of people were not happy with how GPT-2 was handled, and although they’ll often say OpenAI does good research, they also dislike that OpenAI has excessive amounts of PR around their work. They’ll accuse this PR of overemphasizing the research importance and engaging in media-trolling to drive attention, rather than substance. For them, OpenAI LP is just another dot in an on-going trend of burning research goodwill to funnel money into GPUs. Meanwhile, there are counterarguments in the form of blog posts defending OpenAI, accusing OpenAI’s detractors of not taking OpenAI at face value, and lamenting the state of ML discourse.

    ML arguments are pretty terrible these days, I’m not going to defend that. But for trust, well… The thing about company trust is that other people have no obligation to take OpenAI at face value. Historically, I assume (but do not know for sure) that people who have been in ML for longer have seen lots of companies that were all fluff and no substance, that deliberately misled people about what they could do to continue getting investors and donators to give them money, and in the end, those investors were left with nothing. From the outside, OpenAI’s behavior is not too different from prior snake-oil salesman, so why should we believe anything about what they say?

    I can see how this would be incredibly frustrating to people who do take OpenAI’s explanation at face value, because if you take OpenAI at face value, everything they’re doing seems reasonable. It must feel like the people who don’t get it are being incredibly obtuse. This is how you get fanboy blog posts - people build an incorrect model that detractors don’t understand OpenAI’s argument, and if they just explain it in a blog post, then it’ll get more people to care about AGI and improve the world. The key difference, is that it’s not that people don’t understand OpenAI’s argument, it’s that they don’t think OpenAI believes their own argument. They think it’s just a front to hide their true goal of staying financially solvent.

    It’s all typical mind fallacy. One side can’t believe someone could genuinely believe AGI is coming soon, and the other side can’t believe someone could genuinely believe AGI has no chance of happening in the next 50 years. Really, the most upsetting thing for me is that the most invested people have so little self-awareness that they can’t see they aren’t arguing about what they should be arguing about.

    For what it’s worth, my timelines are a bit long, 10% chance of AGI by 2045. (Editing note: I recently updated my forecast to 10% chance by 2035. I’ve written a post explaining why.) This is long enough that most of AI safety research doesn’t feel worth it to me, but I’m willing to entertain the possiblity I’m wrong, and believe that reasonable people can believe AGI will happen within the next 10 years. I also think many of those reasonable people are at OpenAI. I also do wish there was less negativity in ML discourse, and more good-faith arguments, so if you want to write a post explaining why OpenAI is acting reasonably, feel free. It’s not actually going to change any minds, but it probably won’t hurt.

    As for what happens next? I see a few scenarios.

    If AGI happens soon, then it will have been good that OpenAI did this, because they would have needed the money. I do trust the company-which-already-has-an-AGI-safety-team to be a good player to have in the game.

    If AGI doesn’t happen soon, then a bunch of investors will have given money to OpenAI and not received anything in return, and some interesting AI research will get done. I guess this means other speculative research won’t get investment, and that’s sad. But it could also have meant that those investors didn’t invest in some random Silicon Valley startup that builds a website that generates a lot of money without creating social value. I have trouble seeing OpenAI turning into the next Theranos - if they did, they’d bleed AI talent so fast to every other lab. Sure, the investors will lose money, but really, that’d be their fault for betting on uncertain technology. You’re not supposed to feel bad when venture capitalists make a bad investment. They knew the risks. If they didn’t, they’d be bad VCs.

    As for the nonprofit to profit aspect of things, I don’t have many opinions. I understand the concerns there. I also think it’s entirely possible for for-profit companies to care about societal implications of their work. Literally all the FAANG machine learning labs have groups for this. I don’t see any reason this couldn’t include the existential threats people worry about. You can’t make money if you’re dead. (Editing note: to clarify - yes, it gets much harder to coordinate when profits get involved, but I don’t think it’s impossible, and if you think that for-profit companies are fundamentally incapable of handling existential risk, then you have bigger problems to worry about than OpenAI LP.)

    From my perspective, all OpenAI LP means is that more money will go into OpenAI, rather than other AI startups, and although I have some disagreements with how OpenAI does things, I do trust them to do interesting foundational research. TL;DR, “yeah okay, let’s see where this goes.”

  • Our Generation's Chernobyl

    This post has several spoilers for the HBO mini-series Chernobyl. In some ways, you can’t really spoil a show about a historical event, but you may want to skip this post if you haven’t seen it before.

    Coronavirus is the new Chernobyl. Both are crises caused by something we can’t see with the naked eye. Both started in authoritarian countries, and both have made scientists the heroes and trusted officials of the day.

    Mechanically, they are very different. Chernobyl is about an exploded reactor pouring out radioactive fallout, while COVID-19 is about a living virus. But the response has felt similar, and that’s what’s making me disappointed.

    The Chernobyl mini-series on HBO is really well made, and although it is not always historically accurate, it’s accurate enough to paint some pretty stark parallels.

    Everything is Normal

    Craig Mazin, the writer and executive producer of Chernobyl, did a podcast about the series, where he talks about the show and the historical event. In episode 2, he mentions one streak of bad luck that didn’t make it to the show.

    The Chernobyl accident happened on April 26. Five days later was May 1, International Workers’ Day. This was a big holiday for the Soviet Union, and in the days before May 1, party officials understood the scope of Chernobyl’s danger. They wanted to cancel holiday celebrations, to reduce exposure to radioactive dust. They failed, because the Kremlin told them that Everything Was Normal. Why would you take precautions when there’s nothing to worry about?

    We’re talking about parades. In Kiev, in Minsk, there were party officials who, it honestly seems to me, begged, BEGGED, to cancel the parade. They were told that not only would they not cancel the parade, you’ll be walking in it too. And they did.

    (starts at 22:10)

    Everything’s fine - until it isn’t. Craig emphasizes that people in the Soviet Union bureaucracy weren’t monsters. They knew it was dangerous to be outside, but were overruled by those who cared about reputation more than safety.

    Never Mind, This Isn’t Normal

    Plenty of Soviet disasters got covered up and were only declassified long after they occurred. Chernobyl couldn’t be kept a secret, because the wind carried radioactive particles to Sweden and other European countries. After that, it couldn’t be kept a secret.

    Radioactive fallout is not the same as a virus. A single case of the virus can multiply and turn into a million cases. Radiation does not replicate this way. Chernobyl is special because people close to the reactor were exposed to so much radiation that they ended up giving off radiation themselves. The firefighter uniforms from that day are still in the basement of the abandoned Pripyat hospital, too radioactive to approach without the right protective gear.

    Nearby countries told their citizens to avoid eating wild game and vegetables, and to follow basic decontamination measures.

    There’s radioactive dust, she said; close all the windows and plug all the cracks. Later, my anxiety grew when I saw her husband Andrei taking off his clothes and putting them in a plastic bag before entering his apartment.


    As for the Soviet Union, to their credit, they did take drastic action once it was clear they had to. Thanks to an authoritarian government and a culture that pushed the collective over the individual, the evacuation and cleanup was fairly orderly.

    So they finally evacuate Pripyat. One thing I was struck [by] was how orderly it was. I was like, oh you’re evacuating an entire town 50,000 people, and I could only think of what that would be like if they tried to do that to a similar town in America. People would be yelling, people would be complaining, people would be demanding they were allowed to bring that […] Everybody just said “alright” and climbed up onto the [evacuation] buses.

    The citizenry, by all accounts except one, was incredibly orderly. Again, reflective of the society in which they lived and grew up. The police said, “You’re coming with us. You’re coming on the bus. You can take one suitcase and no pets, and you’ll be back in a few days.” And everybody just said, “Okay, I’ll get on the bus.” […] And they never, ever, ever came back.

    (starts at 28:55)

    Scientists Become Heroes

    Chernobyl made everyone care a lot more about nuclear physicists. Coronavirus is making everyone care a lot more about epidemiologists. Valery Legasov is the protagonist of the Chernobyl mini-series, and in real life he was the chief of the commission investigating Chernobyl. For the West, he became one of the faces of the Soviet response, since he presented the Soviet report at a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, detailing what happened in Chernobyl. He was well-respected for acknowledging failures in the Soviet response, although his public testimony covered up design flaws in Soviet nuclear reactor design.

    Now we have Fauci, who is generally popular (56% trust rating as of May 2), and one of the figureheads of the Coronavirus Task Force. The CDC playbook for communication mentions the importance of having a single lead spokesperson who’s a scientist, not a politician. Having a single spokesperson increases trust because of familiarity, and making that person a scientist reduces risk of politicizing the disease. If half the country trusts the CDC less because of a culture war, it’s a disaster for public health. See this New Yorker article for more.

    According to the YouGov study above, Fauci’s 56% trust rating is split 68% among Democrats and 48% among Republicans. It is already too late for the United States.

    Reality Doesn’t Care About Politics

    The Chernobyl mini-series is ostensibly about the events of Chernobyl, but it’s really more about how people responded to Chernobyl. That’s the aspect I was reminded of first, and the reason I started writing this post.

    Chernobyl and COVID-19 aren’t really about people. Sure, people are part of both, but their fundamentals are grounded in physical reality: infectious diseases for COVID-19, and radiation for Chernobyl. It’s like the classic Philip K. Dick quote: “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” A worryingly large number of decision makers aren’t respecting reality.

    I’m not sure of the historical accuracy of this moment, but in Episode 3 of the mini-series, “Open Wide, O Earth”, Legasov and Scherbina are arguing over the size of an evacuation zone. Legasov learns the evacuation zone has been set to 30 km, and wants it to be much, much larger. He is overruled.

    Legasov: “How did this happen? Who gave them this idea?”

    Scherbina: “Are you suggesting I did?”

    Legasov: “Well someone decided the evacuation zone should be 30 km, when we know– (points to map) Here! Cesium-137 in Gomel District. Two HUNDRED kilometers away!”

    Scherbina: “It was decided.”

    Legasov: “Based on WHAT?”

    Scherbina: “I don’t know.”

    Legasov: “Forgive me. Maybe I’ve spent too much time in my lab. Or maybe I’m stupid. But is this really how it all works? An uninformed, arbitrary decision that will cost who knows how many lives is made by some apparatchik? Some career Party man?”

    (screenplay linked here)

    This is worth emphasizing: no one is forced to do things that make sense. To be a politician, the only thing you have to understand is people. Who they are, how they think, what they believe, and how to convince them to support you. That’s certainly not easy, it requires you to be shrewd and to have a good read of people. But there’s no particular reason to expect politicians to be good at anything besides navigating structures of power. They don’t have to be well-informed about anything, unless it’s politically expedient to be well-informed. Unfortunately, that approach is exactly what doesn’t work for the coronavirus.

    If the coronavirus was a people problem, maybe you could use charm and wit to defuse the situation. But you can’t. You can’t talk to the coronavirus to understand what it does and doesn’t want. You can’t work the room to get the disease to spread slower. You can’t cut a deal with coronavirus to make it kill fewer people. No, it’s there, it exists, and you have to deal with it - or not. This has been repeated elsewhere, but all political instincts are wrong at the start of a pandemic, and you pay a price if those instincts aren’t overruled.

    You hope you get a politician that understands the problem, has the grit to take unfavorable actions, and they use their experience in navigating deals to get what matters to the people who need it. By the end of the series, Scherbina is that man.

    Scherbina: I’m an inconsequential man, Valery. I hoped one day I would matter, but I didn’t. I just stood next to people who did.

    Legasov: There are other scientists like me. Any one of them could have done what I did. You– everything we asked for: men, material, lunar rovers. Who else could have done these things? They heard me, but they listened to you. […] Of all the ministers, and all the deputies, the entire congregation of obedient fools, they mistakenly sent the one good man. For God’s sake Boris, you were the one who mattered most.

    There’s this phenomenon, where people in politics and PR will repeat something that isn’t true, and if they do so often enough, people will believe it. Those people will even start using motivated reasoning to create their own justification for what you’re saying. This works for subjects that are complicated enough to have ambiguity in their causality, but it doesn’t work very well for the narrow slice of reality that COVID-19 occupies.

    In episode 4, “For the Happiness of All Mankind”, the Soviet Union explores using robots to clear debris off the Chernobyl reactor roof. Radiation damages electronics. The Soviet robots they had from the Space Race could withstand some radiation, but not the highest levels of radiation detected on the roof.

    Through tense off-screen negotiations, they get a robot from West Germany which can withstand the reported numbers. They try it out, and the robot fails immediately. Scherbina soon learns why.

    Scherbina: The official position of the State is that a global nuclear catastrophe is not possible in the Soviet Union. They told the Germans that the highest detected level of radiation was 2000 roentgen. They gave them the propaganda number. That robot was never going to work.

    Think about this for a second. Someone high up in the government decided to give a propaganda number, instead of a real one. That filtered all the way down the bureaucracy, down to the people figuring out how to borrow a robot from the West. That one lie, from someone who cared more about reputation than accuracy, wasted the time of the negotiators, of the robot constructors from West Germany, of the technicians who operated it - all of it, gone.

    I cannot think of a better argument for why you should care who your boss is, and who your elected officials are. If technology is a multiplier of both good and bad, then power is too. What does it say when both Republican and Democrat governors hid flight details of testing and PPE shipments from the federal government, to avoid confiscation? It’s just absurd.

    The central theme of the Chernobyl mini-series is truth, and the lies surrounding it. This was why the showrunners tried to stay historically accurate. They thought it would be cheap to send a message about truth that was wrapped in artistic lies, and reality was dramatic enough. When the inevitable COVID-19 documentaries arrive, I hope they make the same decision.
